Ancestral Storytelling

Shilpa Alay Nainani
5 min readFeb 23, 2021

It’s the 7th of December, 2020 and here I am in Auroville as part of my retreat. I have an assignment to accomplish — Ancestral Storytelling. There are some things in life that can’t be explained, patterns that have been with us for generations that cant be understood or even comprehended and Ancestral storytelling is a humble attempt to disrupt these patterns without trying to dissect them. This story is my prayer to my ancestors to choose joy over suffering, to choose balance over instability, to choose life and love over fear. I truly believe this story wrote itself, just like every other :) Stories and words have a consciousness of their own. Here it goes.

If there is one thing that I like trying out in new cities, it’s the thrill of running on their roads. Every city, every town, every place has its own marriage with mornings. A relationship that is truly their own. As much as it all feels the same, the essence of that particular place always evokes freshness and joy like no other.

I stepped out for my morning jog. Cool breeze against my face, some old and rustic thoughts on my mind and some new, some smiling and some curious faces, clear blue skies, chirping birds, tall trees were my companions. A plethora of colorful flowers greeted me with open arms. It was a joyous path and I rejoiced in this bounty and every step on the way until a very unique tree caught my eye. I paused my ever-ready legs and stood right in front of this tree. This tree was very unique. This tree did not sway, its leaves did not stay, it had no flowers, the birds did not attend to this tree. This was amusing to me. Was it lack of water or sunshine or just love and attention that made this tree who it was? Curious, I looked around. And I noticed that none of the other trees in the surrounding had fallen leaves. The flowers were in full bloom & the leaves fresh, the dating and mating of the birds and bees, this Joyland clearly, had forgotten about this naked tree. It almost looked like as much as this tree was a part of them, it was away, and this made me wonder — What did this tree really miss? The possibility of the sun not shining or water not falling was rare. And as I wondered and gazed into this tree, the final leaf — the only leaf on this tree, made its way down — gently and slowly dancing its way to the earth.

And there, right in front of my eyes stood this tree with its naked branches looking for some fullness, for some warmth, for some love… and while I thought that this tree was probably abandoned by nature, a deeper part of me sneaked out to tell me that maybe, just maybe this was not true. Maybe this tree purely did not know that it could receive water and sunshine and all that was available for others was also available for it. I was heartbroken. And as I stood there I sent a small prayer — In this nothingness, may this tree find itself. May it realize that whatever could go has now gone and there is nothing more to lose. With no leaves, no fruits, no flowers, it still carries itself the capability to reflourish. As long as the earth is supporting it and the sky doesn’t discriminate, as long as the roots go deep and it can stand on its own, it will find its way home. The flowers will bloom soon, the leaves will rustle soon and the tree will be full soon.

Maybe there was a lesson in its nakedness, in it not choosing joy and smiles and laughter of the birds, but now, the tree is wiser and since it knows what it is to live in suffering, it has also built its capacity to cherish and rejoice any amount of joy deeply.

I went and hugged this tree. Stayed with it for a few moments and blessed the deepest and the oldest root to start looking for joy again. To start opening its heart again, to start rejoicing in abundance again and I know and the tree knows this too, that its time, its time for this tree to bloom and fill itself again.

And bloom it will, with fresh perspectives & possibilities & new ideas and opportunities & breathe in this newness every day. The very fact that its roots are still full of life is a reason for it to be alive.

When I read this story in front of my fellow NLP’ers, I followed it with Ancient Nahuatl prayer. I share the same and I quote (Source Google) —

Ancient Nahuatl Blessing

(This ancient blessing was created in the Nahuatl language, spoken in Mexico. It deals with forgiveness, affection, detachment and liberation).

“I release my parents from the feeling that they have already failed me.

I release my children from the need to bring pride to me; that they may write their own ways according to their hearts, that whispers all the time in their ears.

I release my partner from the obligation to complete myself. I do not lack anything, I learn with all beings all the time.

I thank my grandparents and forefathers who have gathered so that I can breathe life today. I release them from past failures and unfulfilled desires, aware that they have done their best to resolve their situations within the consciousness they had at that moment. I honor you, I love you and I recognize you as innocent. I am transparent before your eyes, so they know that I do not hide or owe anything other than being true to myself and to my very existence, that walking with the wisdom of the heart, I am aware that I fulfill my life project, free from invisible and visible family loyalties that might disturb my Peace and Happiness, which are my only responsibilities.

I renounce the role of savior, of being one who unites or fulfills the expectations of others. Learning through, and only through, LOVE, I bless my essence, my way of expressing, even though somebody may not understand me. I understand myself, because I alone have lived and experienced my history; because I know myself, I know who I am, what I feel, what I do and why I do it. I respect and approve myself. I honor the Divinity in me and in you.

We are free.”

Photo Courtesy — Photo by Catarina João on Unsplash



Shilpa Alay Nainani

Conversationalist. Presenter. Stargazer. Loves to write.